亲爱的客户,本诊所定于以下列日期休诊 04.02.2019 (星期一) 除夕 早上营业 05-10.02.2019 (星期二至星期日) 初一至初六 11.02.2019 (星期一) 恢复正常营业 不便之处,敬请原谅。 Dear Customers Clinic will be closed on: 5-10th February 2019 (Tues to Sun) We will be open on the morning of 4th February (Mon). Business will resume as usual on 11th Feb 2019 (Mon). We regret any inconvenience caused. |
Email:[email protected]
Emergency WhatsApp: 98224170 Phone:
64474761 facebook:
@yuguotcm Wheelchair friendly
Clean Energy proud partners of Bio-plastic(s)