1.把药材放入锅中. 2.倒入约16饭碗的水(3200ml). 3.加入一只黑鸡. 4.大火煮开后转小火煮30分钟. |
For the whole family
1.Put the herbs in a pot or slow cooker 2.Pour in 16 bowls (3200ml) of water. 3.Add a whole black chicken 4.Bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes. |
1.把药材放入锅中. 2.倒入约2-3饭碗的水(400-600ml). 3.加入一只黑鸡腿肉. 4.大火煮开后转小火煮成一碗分量. 5.把煮好的汤倒出. 6.再添约2-3饭碗的水量入锅中, 再煮成一碗分量. 7.把两碗煮好的汤混合,再分两碗,早晚各服一次. |
Individual consumption
1.Put the herbs in a pot or slow cooker 2.Pour in 2-3 bowls (400-600ml) of water. 3.Add a black chicken drumstick (optional) 4.Bring to a boil and reduce on low heat to 200ml 5.Pour out the mixture into another bowl 6.Add another 2-3 bowls of water and reduce as in steps 4. 7.Mix the 2 reduced mixture together and drink one bowl once in the morning and once at night. |