On 1st March of 1986, Physician Koh and Tang officially opened their clinic in a small 240 square metres space on the ground floor of Castle Court along Changi Road.
在1986年3月1日年开业于在樟宜路仅仅240平方米的育国中医诊疗所. As there was still little knowledge about Child Tuina massage in Singapore , many patients were skeptical of its effectiveness. Physician Koh had a hard time convincing parents to try Child Tuina treatment even providing it free of charge. The initial years at the clinic were hard but they persevered. The couple ran the clinic by themselves, from dispensing medicine to cleaning up, on top of their physician duties. They would usually work late into the night. 由于当时公众对小儿推拿的认知不够深,许多家长对它的疗效充满质疑,不肯让孩子接受疗法。两位医师为了推广小儿推拿,时时免费提供治疗。 两人日夜忙碌,,亲自打理诊所所有琐事,至深夜归宿。 Physician Koh at the pharmacy in their first clinic
许医师在配药处 |
1985- A Humble Beginning
Physician Koh has always believed in treating children without the use of heavy medications; believing that tuina is sufficient to treat common childhood ailments and medicating only when necessary. Over the years, she have treated countless children with tuina.
She remembered treating one child who had such a serious case of constipation that he had to go to the hospital weekly to clear his stools. After massaging him daily for weeks and he eventually recovered.
许医师认为许多小孩的常见病情用推拿就能足够治愈,不需打针吃药,增加孩子的痛苦。她行医多年至今治疗了无数的小孩。她曾有一位便秘严重的患儿, 每周都要到医院抽便。许医师每天为他推拿,数周后患儿的便秘解,恢复健康。
She remembered treating one child who had such a serious case of constipation that he had to go to the hospital weekly to clear his stools. After massaging him daily for weeks and he eventually recovered.
许医师认为许多小孩的常见病情用推拿就能足够治愈,不需打针吃药,增加孩子的痛苦。她行医多年至今治疗了无数的小孩。她曾有一位便秘严重的患儿, 每周都要到医院抽便。许医师每天为他推拿,数周后患儿的便秘解,恢复健康。
While Physician Koh specialized in TCM pediatrics, Physician Tang dedicated himself to all aspects of TCM, ranging from TCM internal medicine, acupuncture, traumalogy, gynecology to medical manufacturing and technology. His spirit of innovation led him to discover and invent various prescriptions, treatment techniques and advance equipment to treat all sort of ailments.
陈医师则专注在中医的各种方面. 他深透的研究内科,针灸,骨科,妇科, 医学科技. 他热爱创新, 创造出新的药方和实际的理疗方法也与中国发明家合作制造机器. Physician Tang believes that no matter the form, any medicine or treatment is beneficial as long it can cure the root issues. 陈医师认为不管是哪一种形式, 吃西药或中药或着是用哪一种治疗方式. 重点在于方法能不能治人. 陈医师 "为什么学医, 是一个难以回答的问题;一个比较单纯的想法,就是做一点好事,济世救人,给自己积一点德,不要浪费自已的生命,比较堂皇的说词是——为人民服务。但现实也不就是为了自己的肚子有饭吃。有了这么一个理想与目标就去于吧!成就就在这种思想的推动下造成的。" Dr Tang: " The question is why ? Why do we study medicine..? This is a slippery question isn't it? Well maybe not so, I have my own answer to this question and it is simply because we want to do good. As human beings, we know what it's like to suffer and have the ability to empathise, we don't want to waste our time here on earth. If you don't mind me being cliche, we study medicine because we want to serve mankind; not for any ideology, nor dogma, nor political interest, nor beliefs. The reality of it all still comes down to having food in my stomach, I need to earn a living but I have found a profession that gives me both food and meaning." |
1990- 2018 Expansion
Like a tree that requires constant watering, the couple worked for their dreams daily. The staff also increased as the demand for their services grew. Today the clinic employs over 50 employees and is one of the largest privately owned TCM clinics in Singapore, treating around 200 patients daily. With their relentless spirit and passion, Physician Koh and Physician Tang will continue to be at the forefront of the TCM industry in Singapore.
夫妻俩不断向梦想前进, 职员也慢慢的增加. 如今,育国中医诊疗所聘请了多过50位职员, 每天的病人超出200位, 是新加坡中医最大的私人有限公司.
夫妻俩不断向梦想前进, 职员也慢慢的增加. 如今,育国中医诊疗所聘请了多过50位职员, 每天的病人超出200位, 是新加坡中医最大的私人有限公司.
Yu Guo 's goal is simply to help people with integrity and love.
We strive to keep our medical fees are affordable and treat patients with gentler and less intrusive methods.
Here we express our deepest gratitude for your support for the past 30 over years.
With love,
We strive to keep our medical fees are affordable and treat patients with gentler and less intrusive methods.
Here we express our deepest gratitude for your support for the past 30 over years.
With love,